Shop Opening!

Hi! You haven’t heard from me for awhile. But we’ve been busy, doing shows, and locating our new shop!

Ixchel Crystals is happy to announce our new store location in the Pioneer Square Neighborhood of Seattle.

As our shop is new, our store hours will be 12pm-4pm Wednesday to Sunday. We will be closed Monday and Tuesday. We will have special happy hours for those needing private shopping spaces, and/or healing appointments, happening between 10AM-12PM.

Happy hour appointment times are for those that are doing acupuncture, energy work, and or have needs that require private shopping times. You can email us at for info, or call us at (206)801-1239.

We will still be doing shows around the PNW and around the country as we have been. Our shop will be closed during those times, unless arrangements have been made.

Our shop is a retail shop, and we are offering wholesale for those with the required permits.

We will be hosting monthly workshops, with different varying options, from Vedic Astrology Monthly Forecast, to Crystals 101, Crystal Healing, Herbal Teas, Tinctures Making, to Crone’s Tea Time, Women’s New Moon circle, and Full Moon times. More information will be available as we get settled into our space.

The address for the shop is 212 Alaskan Way S, Seattle, WA 98104. Located in the artist space at Ok Hotel, right by the waterfront. To get in you will have to call our store, 206-801-1239.

Thanks for reading 💖

Tania Juarez